Conference and exhibit venue

We are pleased to announce that the 11th IAC will be a hybrid event!
Nausicaa will welcome participants in Boulogne sur Mer for a face-to-face meeting and will also offer a virtual meeting at the same time with the same content.

Virtual meeting

virtual pavilion International Aquarium Congress 2022
virtual pavilion International Aquarium Congress 2022
virtual pavilion International Aquarium Congress 2022

The Virtual Pavilion will include

  • a lobby with a helpdesk,
  • a hall,
  • an auditorium,
  • an exhibition hall with stands for exhibitors,
  • a networking lounge.

It will be fully equipped with networking tools, chat and webinars. Once in the virtual pavilion, participants will have access to all recorded presentations.

Gradual openings starting one month before the congress will allow users to familiarise themselves with this virtual environment and make the most of it by setting their own agenda.

Design is inspired by the Virtual Ocean Pavilion held for COP 26 (see pictures of the Virtual Ocean pavilion above, you can register and visit this pavilion by clicking here). 


Face-to-face meeting

child and diver at nausicaa
manta ray in the High seas tank in nausicaa

The Face-to-face venue is located within walking distance of most hotels.

It includes

  • a lobby with a help desk,
  • an auditorium,
  • an exhibit and lunch hall with booths for exhibitors,
  • and several meeting rooms.

Registration to the 11th International Aquarium Congress is available here.

The page for prices and exhibitor registration is here.

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